‘Preacher’ Continues Its Wild, Wonderful Journey (TV REVIEW)
AMC’s latest series begins in earnest, continuing its crazy foray into the weird and the wonderful.
AMC’s latest series begins in earnest, continuing its crazy foray into the weird and the wonderful.
The Lonely Island successfully skewers the world of pop with a surprisingly hilarious and deft satire.
Game of Thrones continues marching along its best season in some time, if not ever.
Things are going about the way they’ve always gone on the Mike Judge comedy, and that’s starting to become a problem.
A high-concept display of absurdity, The Lobster ultimately fails to stick the landing despite a highly enjoyable opening half.
With ‘The Door,’ Game of Thrones has delivered the best episode of the season so far, and perhaps the entire series.
The now leaderless Pied Piper struggles to make its way in the world, with hilarious, if awkward, results.
The Meddler is the most charming cinematic surprise of the season.
Writer/director Shane Black outdoes himself with The Nice Guys.