Sonny: Directed by Nicholas Cage
Already establishing a storied career in front of the camera, now Nicholas Cage has decided to step behind the scenes, making his directorial debut with Sonny.
Already establishing a storied career in front of the camera, now Nicholas Cage has decided to step behind the scenes, making his directorial debut with Sonny.
Bob Dylan – leading man. Sounds quite natural at the Newport Folk Festival
or Madison Square Garden, but on the silver screen? Well, Dylan comes
forth with his recent troubadour/mustachioed look, as Jack Fate, a jailed rock star turned folk legend, who returns to the stage for an ambitious benefit concert in Masked and Anonymous.
The Italian Job is a modern day remake of the identically named 1969 Michael Caine classic. However, the modern day interpretation takes very little from the original script.
From the early days, through the meditation and experimentation, to John Lennon telling the others ‘I’m done’, this DVD collection catches it all.