Comments on: ‘A Quiet Place II’ Leaves Much to Be Desired (BLU-RAY REVIEW) Independent Music/Film Critique & Coverage Sun, 08 Dec 2024 03:04:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brainsaw Sun, 08 Dec 2024 03:04:11 +0000 I just watched this and a few things struck me: the INCREDIBLE lack of discipline (and fear) of the kids, even compared to the first movie. I mean, the first one opens with tense scene of what in the military is called Noise Discipline. Setting the scene well. Good storytelling. The second one despite competent alien arrival scenes (Day One mini narrative) it loses tension and credibility. Why? Well, it has the characters act like they are secure when they really aren’t! Battery life, food, oxygen, ammunition! Oh and exposure to unnecessary risk! Saving the world? Just after your home is destroyed? Then break discipline, like you haven’t learnt the value of it after all the experiences so far! Compare with the tense personal discipline sniping scenes in Enemy At The Gates, for example. In A Quiet Place II they act relatively too relaxed as if they have a safe nearby place to run to despite having left their home. Which I am still not sure WHY rather than put the fire out, pump the water out since weirdly, the electricity is still on, repair the farm, which er, grows FOOD, isn’t this a scarcity, WTF? Sci-Fi based stuff that stimulates, rather than insults the intelligence, is far superior. Even at this level.

By: Hollow Wood Mon, 06 Sep 2021 15:36:59 +0000 “a couple of half-formed ideas for a movie that were thrown in the blender”

YES. Great cinematography, bad storytelling. It’s a post-apocalyptic alien story so you need to suspend your disbelief at some level, but this movie has too many unbelievable scenarios and decisions. I felt the same way watching AQP2 as I felt watching The Last Jedi: I didn’t care about the characters or the story and couldn’t wait for the movie to end because it was a waste of time.

All the glowing reviews for this film written by “movie critics” do nothing more than further cement the idea that most “movie critics” are paid shills.

By: Jack Wed, 28 Jul 2021 02:50:04 +0000 Lame review bro. Rewatch it.
