Jake Krolick

The Flaming Lips: Festival Pier, Philadelphia, PA 8/29/09

Rock concerts are supposed to be unpredictable.  The day you see a band and know exactly what is going to happen before you attend the show should be the day you stop seeing live music.  When the torrential monsoon of rain halted the Flaming Lips show on August 29th at Philly’s Festival Pier, some complained while others just accepted that this kind of mayhem is the way of the rock world.  What this creative force from Oklahoma was able to squeeze in offered us a glimpse of the past and future from a group going strong since 1983.   

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CSS: Cansei De Ser Sexy

CSS is destined for the underground club scene, sure to get waif-like girls plucked out of an American Apparel ad, dancing haphazardly to the stank that are these songs.

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Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey: The Sameness of Difference

JFJO enters an area that they previously let lay untouched. They stray away from their wild unruly live performances and move to a cohesion and maturity as a band. They bring highs to jazz that are virtually unheard of today while continuing to weave together solid song basses. The Sameness of Difference is filled with obvious stand outs.

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Sprout: a 16mm surf flick : Directed by Thomas Campbell

The surf movie is a hallowed tradition among enthusiasts. Not unlike the ski flick, it is used to get the juices flowing while exciting our inner cravings for liquid. It preys upon our ability to float, glide, slide and ride the substance that sustains life.

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Maktub: Say What you Mean

Maktub is the band that slides you right past the “would you like to come up for a cup of coffee?” part of your date and right into the heat and passion.

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