Wilco – Star Wars (ALBUM REVIEW)
What’s most striking about ‘Star Wars’ is its immediacy – it already feels essential.
What’s most striking about ‘Star Wars’ is its immediacy – it already feels essential.
Nova’s 1977 LP, ‘Wings of Love,’ is both high and low-brow, equal parts meat and cheese.
Wally’s obscure 1974 LP is a lost soft-prog masterpiece, suggesting the bizarre crossover of David Crosby fronting Curved Air.
“Bingo” is a pleasant surprise — returning to its dominantly dry-comedy format, the show manages to harness some actual plot development.
“They’re not a tribute band,” once said the real-life Phil Collins, after watching The Musical Box perform. “They have taken a period and are faithfully reproducing it in the same way that someone would do a theatrical production.” Call it a tribute, call it nostalgic tomfoolery. Much like the original Genesis, The Musical Box defy easy categorization.
The Flaming Lips and Sean Lennon teamed up for Beatles Week.
The Chili Peppers may have mimed during the Super Bowl, but…who cares?
Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks announced their departures earlier this month.
People still do these, right?
It’s the new Canterbury scene, and it sounds pretty damn good.