Glide Magazine offers an extensive portfolio of online advertising and promotional opportunities to suit your client needs. If you are interested in advertising on, please contact our sales department.

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Custom Client Packages

If you would like to discuss custom packages or various integrated marketing plans, please contact our sales department.

Banner Advertising

Glide Magazine offers traditional banner advertising across the run of the site. Targeted campaigns can be created on specific pages within the site as well. In addition to a number of standard ad unit sizes, Glide offers several non-standard, impact ad units in the form of pop-ups, interstitials, etc.

Ad Unit Ad Size
Leaderboard 728 x 90
Large Rectangle 300 x 250


Exclusive Media Center Sponsor

Our new media center is the centerpiece of Glide Magazine 3.0. This premium sponsorship opportunity – not offered elsewhere – is available on a monthly basis to one exclusive client, allowing them to become seamlessly integrated into the site, offering an unparalleled branding experience. With prominent homepage placement, boasting its own full media portal and featured on virtually every page of Glide, the media center is designed to follow the user throughout their visit, creating a powerful tool for gaining the user’s active attention in this viral market. This is complemented with exclusive email communiques to our readership of 5,000+ opt-in subscribers.

Music Downloads

One of the most popular areas of Glide Magazine is the free music downloads. Glide Magazine offers bands and labels the opportunity to reach our readership via music download promotion, which receives prominent placement throughout the website and email newsletter through our sponsorship packages.

Contests and Giveaways

Glide Magazine contests and giveaways are a great way to market to a captive audience. These types of promotions allow our advertisers to engage Glide readers and deliver a marketing message in a non-standard, creative manner. Each Glide Magazine giveaway receives prominent placement on the home page and in the Glide Magazine newsletter as well as a dedicated contest page.

Email Marketing

Glide Magazine offers advertising opportunities through our email newsletter that is distributed to more than 5,000 opt-in subscribers, and distributed every two weeks.

Ad Unit Ad Size
Primary Sponsorship 175 x 300
Standard Banner 468 x 60


Download the Glide Magazine Media Kit

Stand-alone email campaign

Thousands of Glide Magazine subscribers have opted in to receive information about products or services of interest to them in the form of single-sponsor, stand-alone emails. Advertisers are requested to supply a text and an HTML page. We are flexible on size requirements and length of message but reserve the right to approve all materials.

If you are interested in any of the above options, have any questions or would like more details, please contact our sales department.